4.1. Main topics¶
- Camera Front
/<robot-prefix>/camera/front/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): publishes information on the front camera /<robot-prefix>/camera/front/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image): publish the images of the Top Camera obtained from ALVideoDevice
- Camera Depth (Pepper only)
/<robot-prefix>/camera/depth/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): publishes information on the depth camera /<robot-prefix>/camera/depth/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image): publish the depth images obtained from ALVideoDevice
/<robot-prefix>/imu_base (sensor_msgs/Imu): publishes the IMU of Pepper base(Pepper only) /<robot-prefix>/imu_torso (sensor_msgs/Imu): publishes the IMU of the robot’s torso
- Joint States
/joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState): uses the keys named Device/SubDeviceList/*/Position/Sensor/Value at a frequency of 15Hz.
- Laser
/<robot-prefix>/laser (sensor_msgs/LaserScan): publishes the obstacles’ positions retrieved through lasers.
- Sonar
/<robot-prefix>/sonar/left (sensor_msgs/Range): publishes the left sonar values of Nao (Nao only) /<robot-prefix>/sonar/right (sensor_msgs/Range): publishes the right sonar values of Nao (Nao only) /<robot-prefix>/sonar/front (sensor_msgs/Range): publishes the front sonar values of Pepper (Pepper only) /<robot-prefix>/sonar/back (sensor_msgs/Range): publishes the back sonar values of Pepepr (Pepper only)
- TF
/tf (tf2_msgs/TFMessage): the usual tf message, using /joint_states
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